Discover practical tips for teaching self-care to children with autism. Learn from parents Marc Orem and Camille Joy as they share insights on toilet training, hair care, dressing, and more, while emphasizing the importance of parental self-care.
Managing incontinence at work? Read Jesse's story as an adult with autism and incontinence and get his expert tips for staying confident in the workplace.
If your child is transitioning out of diapers, you know that the toilet training process is long and challenging for both parents and kids. Toilet training a child with autism can also be surprising at times due to the unique obstacles they may face. Read this post to understand your child's needs while potty training.
Toilet training can be tough on parents and children, especially if your child has autism. So why do children with autism have trouble potty training, and what is it really like to potty train a child with autism? Sierra Ferrell shares her family's story of toilet training her child with autism.
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