If you are an individual or a family on low income, you may qualify to get incontinence products at little to no cost. Find the resources available to you.
Learn the key differences between pull-ups and diapers, including when to use each for the best protection and comfort for incontinence needs. Find out which option is right for you or your loved one in our pull-ups vs diapers guide.
Discover how health disparities and racial inequities affect minority populations, leading to higher rates of chronic diseases and incontinence, and learn the importance of improving healthcare access for equitable outcomes.
4 Reasons Cuties® SleepOvers® Pull-Ups Are Perfect for Kids With Special Needs , by Marlee Septak .
Discover how Cuties® SleepOvers® Pull-Ups provide comfort, protection, and confidence for older children with nighttime incontinence, especially those with special needs.
5 Things You May Need to Teach Your Child With Autism: Tips for Parents , by Camille Robinson , Marc Orem .
Discover practical tips for teaching self-care to children with autism. Learn from parents Marc Orem and Camille Joy as they share insights on toilet training, hair care, dressing, and more, while emphasizing the importance of parental self-care.
Teenage bedwetting can take a toll on your loved one’s mental health, but in most cases, the condition is treatable. Get tips from our Medical Advisor, Samantha Eaker, on how to help your child.
What Is the Medicaid Waiver Program? , by Marlee Septak .
Learn how Medicaid waiver programs help individuals with disabilities live in their communities. Discover available services, eligibility criteria, and the application process to access support like physical therapy and in-home care.
Insurance-Covered Incontinence Products for Children With Disabilities Under Nebraska Medicaid Expansion , by Marlee Septak .
Discover how Nebraska's Medicaid expansion, effective July 1, 2024, offers comprehensive healthcare coverage for children with developmental disabilities, including new eligibility criteria and services like in-home nursing and medical supplies.
Discover the critical issue of the diaper gap, its impact on caregivers, and how organizations like Aeroflow Urology advocate for solutions to provide affordable incontinence supplies through insurance benefits.