Discover practical tips for teaching self-care to children with autism. Learn from parents Marc Orem and Camille Joy as they share insights on toilet training, hair care, dressing, and more, while emphasizing the importance of parental self-care.
Teenage bedwetting can take a toll on your loved one’s mental health, but in most cases, the condition is treatable. Get tips from our Medical Advisor, Samantha Eaker, on how to help your child.
Discover how Nebraska's Medicaid expansion, effective July 1, 2024, offers comprehensive healthcare coverage for children with developmental disabilities, including new eligibility criteria and services like in-home nursing and medical supplies.
Discover the critical issue of the diaper gap, its impact on caregivers, and how organizations like Aeroflow Urology advocate for solutions to provide affordable incontinence supplies through insurance benefits.
1 in 3 US families can't afford diapers and pull-ups for their children, and more families raising children with disabilities struggle to afford incontinence products their kids require. Read how the diaper gap affects children with and without disabilities.
Incontinence can have a major effect on individuals’ mental health. Read Jesse’s first-hand account of managing incontinence and the difficult emotions that come along with it and get 9 expert tips on managing your emotions.
Managing autism already comes with its own set of unique challenges. On top of that, children with autism are more likely to have incontinence. Autism and incontinence may seem overwhelming at first, but there are proven ways to manage autism in incontinence without having to make drastic changes to your daily routine.