TENA Incontinence Pad Ranked #1! Here's How to Get It Covered by Insurance , by Marlee Septak .
Discover why TENA's Sensitive Care incontinence pad tops the charts in 2024. Learn how to get it covered by insurance and explore its features, like multiple absorbency levels and triple protection against leaks, odor, and wetness.
It’s important to practice proper skincare with incontinence. Learn how with these expert tips from Aleece Fosnight, board-certified physician assistant specializing in urology.
Best Adult Incontinence Products of 2023 , by Marlee Septak .
Check out the products that made “the best of 2023” list and find out how to get them for free through your Medicaid managed care plan with Aeroflow Urology.
Urinary incontinence can be challenging to deal with and can decrease your quality of life, but there are many treatments available for men and women! Discover which treatments might be right for you.
Aeroflow Urology will work with your specific state Medicaid office to make sure that you have the product(s) that you need at little or no cost to you. If you have a Medicaid plan in your respective state, there is a very good chance that your plan will offer financial assistance for a portion of the cost of your adult incontinence products.
Didn't Qualify for Incontinence Products Through Medicaid? Here's What to Do!
For whatever reason you didn't qualify to receive bladder control supplies through insurance, you can still get the same high-quality products with the Aeroflow Store.
Nothing can throw off your plans like wet sheets, wet car seats, wet pants, and more, but unfortunately, these accidents can be a normal part of caring for a child with pediatric incontinence. When you have to stop what you're doing to handle clean up, remember that any frustration you’re feeling may be intensified for your child with extra anxiety, fear, and embarrassment. Learn how to help your child cope with a little advice on how to avoid becoming frustrated.