A photo of Aleece Fosnight

Aleece Fosnight

Say Goodbye to Lower Back Pain & Incontinence With Expert Solutions

lower back pain and incontinence

Back pain is already frustrating enough, and when you add incontinence on top of that, your quality of life can be interrupted. See exactly what contributes to lower back pain and incontinence and how to make managing these symptoms easy.

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Anxiety's Influence on the Bladder

Woman looking stressed

Learn how anxiety exacerbates urinary incontinence and discover holistic approaches for managing both conditions effectively. Explore therapies, lifestyle adjustments, and discreet product options provided by Aeroflow Urology for enhanced comfort and quality of life.

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Everything You Need to Know About UTIs in Women: 8 Tips for Prevention

A doctor and patient looking at health information.

Discover insights into UTIs in women, including prevalence factors and symptom recognition. Learn effective strategies for preventing UTIs and safeguarding your urinary health.

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Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Cause Bladder Problems?

Lady holding her hand.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that may cause bladder control issues, known as incontinence. Learn about the connection and find treatment with tips from our Medical Advisor, Aleece Fosnight.

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The Best Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women

Graphic of pelvic floor exercises for women

Did you know that you can blend pelvic floor exercises, or kegels, into other exercises that you may already have in your exercise routine? It’s true! There are many exercises that can incorporate the pelvic floor. Because the pelvic floor muscles are similar to your abdominal muscles, you can even exercise them every day. 

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What to Know About Overflow Incontinence

Man speaking to a doctor.

What is overflow incontinence, how is it diagnosed, and who is at risk? Get these answers and more from our Medical Advisor, Aleece Fosnight, MSPAS, PA-C, CSC-S, CSE, NCMP, IF, in this article.

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How to Avoid Catheter Blockages & Obstructions

catheters in packages
One of the most common complications that can occur for catheter users is a catheter blockage. Catheter blockages often form from a buildup of minerals, salts, and crystalline deposits which can block the eye holes of the catheter and prevent urine from draining from the bladder. These obstructions often begin as a small obstruction and can develop fully to a complete blockage. More often than not, these blockages will affect long-time catheter users.

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How to Prevent UTIs In Individuals With Incontinence

Lady sitting at a table on her laptop.
A crucial aspect of incontinence care for you, or your loved ones, involves keeping the skin clean and comfortable to prevent common infections, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs). While UTIs are fairly common for most people, those with incontinence have a higher susceptibility to infections, which can lead to further complications if left untreated.

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Can Constipation Cause Urinary Incontinence? Plus 7 Tips to Relieve It

person holding toilet paper roll

Constipation is never fun to deal with, especially when it's causing bladder leaks! Discover how to treat constipation to improve your overall health.

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An Expert’s Guide to Incontinence Skin Care

Incontinence products stacked

It’s important to practice proper skincare with incontinence. Learn how with these expert tips from Aleece Fosnight, board-certified physician assistant specializing in urology.

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