One of the most common complications that can occur for catheter users is a catheter blockage. Catheter blockages often form from a buildup of minerals, salts, and crystalline deposits which can block the eye holes of the catheter and prevent urine from draining from the bladder. These obstructions often begin as a small obstruction and can develop fully to a complete blockage. More often than not, these blockages will affect long-time catheter users.
Urinary incontinence is a common condition among the elderly population nationwide. Learn more about this condition and the most effective medications to treat it.
When your doctor first prescribes an intermittent catheter, they will match you with the best type of catheter to suit your personal needs. There are many different types of catheters, and it may take trying a few different types before finding the one that is most comfortable and effective for your specific needs.
How to Avoid a False Passage With Intermittent Catheters
When you have a false passage, you may experience pain when using your intermittent catheter. Find out how to avoid them and heal them to regain quality of life.