Tips for Potty Training a Child With Down Syndrome: Q&A With Tailynn Brost

Mother holding up a happy baby.

Top Tips:

  • Be patient and go at your child's own pace when toilet training.
  • Use resources like "Tot on the Pot," Daniel the Tiger, and Ms. Rachel to encourage your child to use the potty.
  • Don't give up! Toilet training a child with Down syndrome can be a long road, but it's worth it in the end.

Tailynn Brost is a wife, Down syndrome advocate, and mother of 2 children, Dayton and Aspen. Her youngest son, Aspen, was born with Down syndrome (DS), and as they potty trained him, they learned some valuable lessons along the way.

In this article, Tailynn shares her best toilet training tips.


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Toilet Training Q & A With Tailynn Brost

Tailynn's Potty Training Tips

1. Go at your child's pace. You'll know when your child with disabilities is ready for potty training, whether it's from verbal, physical, or other cues.

2. Be patient. Be patient with your child and know each child is unique in their potty training journey.

3. Use your resources. Use things like "Tot on the Pot," Daniel the Tiger, Ms. Rachel, and other resources that encourage your child to use the toilet.

4. Reward your child correctly. Identify which types of rewards your child will respond to and use them with praise during the potty training process.

Child with down syndrome smiling.Child with down syndrome smiling.

5. Adjust the toilet. Use padded toilet seats, mini toilets, or toilets that make going to the bathroom fun, such as toilets that light up or play music. However, keep in mind that your child may have sensory sensitivities, so a loud or distracting toilet may deter them from using it.

6. Be aware of speech and developmental delays. Speech delays are one of Tailynn's biggest obstacles, so ensure you know if this is occurring with your child. You may need to use sign language for "potty" or other resources to communicate with your loved one.

7. Include family members. Ensure your whole family is on the same page with toilet training your child so everything is consistent.

8. Communicate with your pediatrician. Involve your child's healthcare providers on the potty training journey. They may be able to suggest different resources and provide you with tips.

9. Use Aeroflow Urology to get free diapers and pull-ups. Aspen uses Aeroflow Urology to receive free pediatric incontinence products, like diapers, pull-ups, underpads, and more, every month delivered right to the family's home. Your child may qualify for free supplies, too! Fill out the secure Eligibility Form in under 2 minutes to find out.

Child with down syndrome smiling.Child with down syndrome smiling.

Toilet training children with disabilities can sometimes feel like a challenge, but don't give up! Remember to go at your child's pace, be patient, and use Aeroflow Urology to get free diapers and pull-ups to help during the transition.

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With over 15k 5-star reviews from Google users, Aeroflow Urology helps individuals of all ages with incontinence receive free incontinence supplies through insurance.

Here's how it works:

1. Submit your information through our form to verify your coverage.

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About the Author

Marlee Septak is the Editorial Lead at Aeroflow Urology and was a past Content Writer for Aeroflow Diabetes. She brings a deep understanding of incontinence and health conditions associated with it to her writing. She graduated from Columbia College Chicago and holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism. Marlee has contributed to various magazines and blogs, including Borgen Magazine, Echo Magazine, Chicago Ideas Week, Assuaged, and Peaceful Dumpling. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, trying new restaurants, and just sitting down with a good book.


Information provided on the Aeroflow Urology blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or care from a healthcare professional. Aeroflow recommends consulting your healthcare provider if you are experiencing medical issues relating to incontinence.