Tagged with 'urinary incontinence in women'

Thyroid Issues: A Hidden Cause of Urinary Incontinence?

Woman checking thyroid

Discover the effects hypothyroidism can have on your urinary system and learn strategies to manage symptoms like fatigue and urinary issues in our comprehensive guide.

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Understanding the Link Between Bladder Control & Your Period: Tips for Women

Woman holding period product

Your menstural cycle dictates how you feel throughout each month and your period brings lots of unwanted side effects. In the last 20 years, studies have begun to show that one of those side effects might be incontinence.

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The Link Between Breast Cancer & Urinary Incontinence

A surprising number of women who have been diagnosed with or survived breast cancer experience urinary incontinence, but symptoms can be treated. 

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How Bladder Problems Worsen Women's Mental Health

We know that incontinence symptoms can be stressful to manage, but studies are now finding that these symptoms actually cause depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem levels among women. 

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10 Best Tips to Prevent Peeing While Running

Woman running

If you leak while you run or exercise, you're not alone. It's a very common occurence among women and even pro-atheletes experience it. 

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Why Urinary Incontinence in Women Is On The Rise

Urinary incontinence can be caused by factors such as nerve damage, medications, pelvic injuries, obesity, and urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, two factors that contribute specifically to the rise in incontinence in women include pregnancy and menopause.

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