Tagged with '(In)Confidence'

Navigating Incontinence at Work: Tips from Our Patient Advocacy Expert

A group of workers sitting, laughing with each other.

Managing incontinence at work? Read Jesse's story as an adult with autism and incontinence and get his expert tips for staying confident in the workplace.

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{In}Confidence: The Young Man Who Accepted Incontinence & Advocates for Inclusion

Read how a young man, Jesse, overcame his incontinence challenges by getting support from friends and Aeroflow Urology. 

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“You Can Never be ‘Ready’ to Raise a Child With Developmental Delays” : Meet the Raymonds

After their daughter, Melody, stopped communicating with them, the Raymonds began their search for a specialist to understand what type of disability Melody had. Along with the loss of communication, Melody was experiencing learning and potty training difficulties. Read the Raymonds’ story and how they found Aeroflow Urology helpful during their daughter’s journey.

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{In}Confidence: Customer Success Stories

Our new (In)Confidence series shares the touching stories of our fearless customers who manage their incontinence with us!

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