The Kentucky Medicaid program is a state-run insurance option for adults, children, senior citizens, and individuals with disabilities living in Kentucky.
Can I Get Incontinence Products Covered by Kentucky Medicaid?
Medicaid Managed Care Plans In Kentucky
How to Get Incontinence Products Covered by Kentucky Medicaid & Aeroflow Urology
Where Can I Find My Insurance Information?
How to Apply for Kentucky Medicaid
I Don't Qualify for Free Incontinence Products. What Can I Do?
Can I Get Incontinence Products Covered by Kentucky Medicaid?
Yes, if you qualify!
Kentucky Medicaid deems incontinence products medically necessary items under its Medicaid coverage for both kids (ages 3+) and adults.
Check Your Eligibility
In Less Than 2 Minutes
Discover the incontinence products available through your insurance plan.
Under Kentucky Medicaid, qualifying adults can receive a combination of:
- Pull-ups / pull-ons (protective underwear).
- Adult diapers.
- Disposable underpads.
- Bladder control pads.
- Wipes and gloves.
With Kentucky Medicaid, children may be able to receive a combination of:
- Diapers
- Pull-ups.
- Accessories like gloves, underpads, and wipes.
Medicaid-covered incontinence products are provided through managed Medicaid health plans that vary by state. Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover incontinence products. However, Medicare does typically cover catheters.
What Is Required?
To be approved for medical supplies under Kentucky Medicaid, you must have the following items. Our Continence Care Specialists will help you gather all of this necessary information:
- The medical reason for needing supplies (incontinence diagnosis with correlating medical condition or special need).
- The estimated amount of incontinence care products needed each day (i.e. 5 booster pads, 2 briefs, etc.).
- You must have a qualifying medical need diagnosed by a healthcare professional, such as ADHD, cerebral palsy, urge incontinence, etc.
- Children must be 3 years of age or older.
- Must be a Kentucky Medicaid recipient.
- Must have a prescription for incontinence from your healthcare provider or a Certificate of Medical Necessity (documented proof within the last 6 months that your items are medically necessary).

Medicaid Managed Care Plans In Kentucky
Medicaid-covered incontinence products may be provided through Medicaid plans that are managed care plans. These plans vary by state.
Plans for adults and kids in Kentucky include:
- Wellcare: Wellcare Kentucky is a Medicaid managed care health insurance plan for Kentucky residents. Wellcare of Kentucky deems incontinence products a medical necessity under its plan if beneficiaries meet requirements. Aeroflow Urology currently partners with Wellcare Kentucky.
- Anthem: Anthem Kentucky is a healthcare plan that offers health benefits for individuals with incontinence. Adult and pediatric incontinence products may be covered under your anthem plan if you meet requirements.
- United Healthcare: United Healthcare Medicaid Kentucky offers incontinence products for adults and children under its coverage. Aeroflow Urology currently partners with United Healthcare.
- Aetna Better Health: Aetna Better Health Kentucky offers coverage of adult and pediatric incontinence supplies if you qualify.
- Humana: Humana Kentucky is a Medicaid managed care plan that currently offers incontinence product coverage for children and adults.
- Molina Passport: Molina Passport is a Medicaid managed care plan in Kentucky that offers children and adults coverage for incontinence supplies.
How to Get Incontinence Products Covered by Kentucky Medicaid & Aeroflow Urology
Aeroflow Urology is a durable medical equipment supplier (DME) that provides incontinence products that fit every body shape and size. We carry products from brands you can trust such as Attends, Prevail, Cuties, and TENA.
Whether you need an adult brief, bladder control pad, or catheter, we can help you stay dry and protected with confidence with our wide variety of different product types and various absorbency levels.
To find out if you qualify with us, fill out our secure Eligibility Form.
It takes less than 5 minutes and you’ll hear from us within 1-2 business days after submitting your information.
After you place your order, we’ll discreetly package and ship your products directly to your home each month in unmarked, brown boxes, possibly saving you over $200 a month on incontinence products!
Where Can I Find My Insurance Information?
To complete our Eligibility Form and find out if you’re eligible for free incontinence supplies covered by Kentucky Medicaid, you’ll need to have your insurance information ready.
The way your insurance card looks may be different based on the state you live in, but you can find the following on you or your loved one's insurance card:
- The first and last name of the insured person.
- The member ID number (Medicaid ID number).
- The name of your insurance plan.
Call the number you see on your card for beneficiaries if you have any questions regarding your insurance information or coverage.

How to Apply for Kentucky Medicaid
Individuals may apply for Medicaid only by calling the Kentucky Healthcare Customer Service line toll-free at (855) 459-6328 or contacting an application assistant via the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange website.
I Don't Qualify for Free Incontinence Products. What Can I Do?
If you or a loved one has incontinence and your plan doesn’t cover incontinence supplies, you may be able to go to your local diaper bank to get free products that will protect you or your loved one against leakage.
One of the local diaper banks in Kentucky is the Saint Bernadette Diaper Bank.
They may carry adult diapers, protective underwear, kid’s diapers, kid’s pull-ups, underpads, along with other incontinence supplies you might need.:
You can also try to change your healthcare coverage to a Medicaid managed care plan in Kentucky, such as Aetna Better Health Kentucky, Wellcare Kentucky, or Humana Kentucky.
- Does Kentucky Medicaid have to be my primary insurance provider? Incontinence products can be provided for any beneficiaries who have Kentucky Medicaid as their primary or secondary provider.
- How many supplies does Kentucky Medicaid cover per month? The number of briefs, pull-ups, and other supplies you receive will depend on what is allowed by Kentucky's Medicaid plan as well as your prescription. Your Aeroflow Urology specialist will let you know exactly the quantity you are eligible to receive.
- I have Kentucky Medicaid, so why don’t I qualify for supplies? You should have received an email outlining why you or your loved one were not approved for supplies. The reason could be due to the following: Aeroflow Urology is not in network with your Medicaid plan, or our contract may not allow us to provide the supplies you are requesting, you may not meet your insurance provider’s age requirement, incontinence supplies are not a covered item under your Medicaid plan, or you or your loved one's disability may not be a qualifying condition under your plan.
- I submitted my information to Aeroflow Urology. When will I know if I’m approved for free incontinence supplies? One of our dedicated Continence Care specialists will contact you via phone or email within 1-2 business days of submitting your information. If it has been longer than this time frame, please give us a call at 844-276-5588 and we would be happy to check into your account and provide an update. Our office is open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm ET.
- What about a prescription? Can Aeroflow help? Kentucky Medicaid requires a prescription in order to cover continence care products. If you do not have a prescription for you or your loved one, your Continence Care Specialist will reach out to your doctor directly for the paperwork.
- I have Medicare. Why don’t I qualify for free incontinence supplies? Unfortunately, Medicare does not currently deem incontinence products as “medically necessary” so they do not cover supplies. However, they may cover your catheters.
Information provided on the Aeroflow Urology blog is not intended as a substitute to medical advice or care from a healthcare professional. Aeroflow recommends consulting your healthcare provider if you are experiencing medical issues relating to incontinence.