This piece has been medically reviewed by Susie Gronski, PT, DPT, Medical Advisor to Aeroflow Urology.
Some women feel like they need to pee or leak urine while having sex and it may indicate some urinary issues you should be aware of, such as incontinence or weak pelvic floor muscles.
Read this post to find out why you might be urinating during sex and see what treatment options are available.
Why Do I Leak During Sex?
A few things could cause you to feel like you need to pee or leak urine during sex.
- Urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. There are two types of urinary incontinence that can contribute to leaking during sex:
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- Stress incontinence: With this type of urinary incontinence, bladder leakage happens when you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift heavy objects, exercise, or have sex. Sex puts extra pressure on your pelvic floor muscles, which causes leakage.
- Overactive bladder (OAB): OAB causes you to feel the sudden and intense urge to pee and can cause frequent trips to the bathroom (more than 8 in 24 hours). The mechanism of OAB and coital incontinence has to do with bladder reflexes and excitation.
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs may create the feeling that you need to pee often or constantly, so you may feel this when having sex.
- Prostate cancer. If you’re a man who experiences bladder leaks during sex, it may be due to prostate cancer treatment since the procedure can cause incontinence.
How to Prevent It
If you’re urinating while having sex, you may be able to treat what’s causing it. Make some of these lifestyle changes to see if you can prevent symptoms.
1. Do Kegels
Pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, improve pelvic floor strength over time, lessening leakage, and can be done quickly at home.
2. Prevent Constipation
Constipation puts extra pressure on your bladder, which can cause leakage. Eat a healthy diet and drink enough water to keep your bowel movements regular.
3. Empty Your Bladder Before Sex
Go pee before having sex to make your bladder less full and decrease the feelings of urge incontinence.
4. Watch Fluid Intake Beforehand

Don’t drink too much water before having sex, as it could increase your bladder fullness and cause you to leak or feel like you need to pee more.
5. See Your Healthcare Provider
Visit a healthcare provider, such as a pelvic floor therapist, if you’re peeing during sex. They’ll be able to determine the cause of leakage and help devise a plan to prevent it in and outside the bedroom.
6. Try Changing Positions
Try changing sex positions to see if a different one allows for more continence control.
7. Use Bladder Control Products
If you’re worried about leaking pee while having sex, you can use underpads to protect furniture from leaks. Other products, such as bladder pads, adult briefs, or protective underwear, can also help control leaks outside of the bedroom.
In addition, you might be eligible to receive free incontinence products through Aeroflow Urology and your insurance plan. To see if you qualify, fill out our Eligibility Form.
Get Free Bladder Control Supplies
If you need bladder control supplies and have incontinence, you may be eligible to get them through Aeroflow Urology and your insurance!
We supply adult diapers, protective underwear, bladder pads, and more to those who qualify, and we deliver them to your home monthly. We also send free samples so you can find the incontinence products that are perfect for your lifestyle before your order ships.
Fill out the Eligibility Form to see if you can receive products for free.

Information provided on the Aeroflow Urology website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or care from a healthcare professional. Aeroflow recommends consulting your healthcare provider if you are experiencing medical issues relating to incontinence.