I had this goal for the new year: potty train Landon! Fast forward nine months, and here we are - nowhere near ready to begin formal potty training. Unfortunately, we have so many sensory needs and diet issues to address before we get there.
I feel like this happens quite often with Autism. Our kids show us just how powerful they are, and we have to remember that we are on THEIR timeline, not the other way around. While we have goals to help them progress, they have their agendas, and we have to alter our expectations and teaching techniques to keep up.

Am I disheartened that we will not achieve our goal? Naw. I have to look at how much progress he has made in so many areas! At the beginning of the year, if you would have told me that Landon would independently say, “Mommy, where are you??” I would not have believed you. Landon amazes me every day, and I will change your bum as long as you need, bud!
Having said that… Of course we want him to be potty trained someday soon for his sake (when he goes to school) and for our sake. We love him, but constantly changing two kids’ diapers is not a hobby for us – I know, hard to believe.
Here are some of the challenges we are tackling to get us closer to formal potty training:
- Getting him used to sitting on the potty long enough for a bowel movement.
- Getting him used to all of the new sensory experiences that come with potty training (pulling pants down and up, pulling pull-ups or underwear down and up, having pants and underwear around legs, and so on…)
- We are still working on getting his constipation under control. This is a HUGE hurdle for our potty training journey.
- New routine. Landon struggles with interruptions to his routine, and potty training has a lot of interruptions.
- Transitions! Landon’s biggest struggles are moving from one activity to another, even if it’s something he really wants to do next.
It may seem like a big list, but Landon constantly surprises us with what he can achieve. It's all on his time, and we are just along for the ride. The downside is that having TWO boys in pull-ups as it can get pricey. The amount of wipes and pull-ups we purchase would amaze you. Unfortunately, this is just another expense piled on top of all the extra costs of having a special needs child.

One of these resources is Aeroflow Urology! Aeroflow Urology helps parents of children with special needs get their child's diapers or pull-ons at no cost through their Medicaid plan. Your coverage will depend on your specific state's Medicaid requirements, but most children over the age of 3 with special needs will qualify. Aeroflow helps to navigate the process from start to finish - from filing the insurance claim to getting necessary documentation from your child's pediatrician. Their whole process is super simple, all you have to do is fill out their quick form on their website, and they'll take care of the rest!
I did not know that this form of help even existed! It is so cool seeing how many resources are out there, and so many of us have no clue that we have support just waiting to be given. I love everything about this company and its mission. Not to mention one of their manufacturers, First Quality®, sent us their Cuties wipes and pull-ups for Landon!
The Cutie Pant™ Training Pants look and feel like real underwear! This is a game-changer for us to help Landon get used to the feel of underwear (he is such a big sensory kid) and still have the protection we need since he is not potty trained.

Cuties diapers/training pants are also:
- Hypoallergenic
- Free of Latex, Fragrances, Chlorine Bleaching, Parabens, Lotions, and Dyes
- Dermatologically Tested (but not on animals)
- Responsibly Made In the USA
- Made in a zero waste to landfill facility - how cool is that!
We are so thankful we found this company, and we are so excited to share this amazing resource with other families! I genuinely hope that Aeroflow can help you with your potty training journey, whatever that looks like!
Just remember to be patient with your child AND yourself, and remember that you are not failing in any way. We have to change so much of the way we parent and think when it comes to our children with special needs. Potty training is hard for kids WITHOUT special needs. Potty training is its own mountain to climb and you will get to the other side, but only when your trail guide is good and ready. Your kids will love you forever for sticking by their side in every challenge life throws at them. WE CAN DO THIS!