UnstoppABLE Stories

Q&A with Ms. Wheelchair USA - Madeline Delp

Madeline Delp is a car accident survivor turned motivational speaker, disability advocate, and public figure. She is a Ms. Wheelchair USA winner, fear-chaser, and world traveler. She, through her nonprofit Live Boundless, has delivered over 400 wheelchairs to those in need in Asia and South America. Despite her busy schedule of fear-chasing and pageant winning, Madeline sat down with us to answer some questions on everything from dating to staying active in a pandemic.

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Madeline Delp: Confidence Series with Aeroflow Urology - Part 2

In our last post, we talked about how to build confidence from the inside out. Specifically, by letting go of self-criticism on the things we cannot change and making action plans to improve the things we can. Today we are going to take on an opposite strategy and work to build confidence from the OUTSIDE in!

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Confessions of a Wheelchair Pageant Queen

Aeroflow Urology is proud to have sponsored Asheville's own Madeline Delp to compete in Miss North Carolina, USA. Madeline is the first person to ever compete for this pageant in a wheelchair and has made revolutionary progress in spreading awareness for the disabled.

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