High Quality Urological Supplies
Aeroflow Urology is proud to offer a large variety of catheter types, kits, and supplies from top manufacturers. No matter if you know what kind of catheter you are looking for or need help finding the right product, our Continence Care Specialists will work with you to find the best urological products for your specific needs.
If you have questions about what type of catheter would be best for you or if you would like to receive product samples, give us a call at 844-276-5588 or email us at info@aeroflowurology.com.

New to Catheterization?
Our continence care specialists are here to help. We work closely with you and your provider to understand your condition and can provide product samples for you to try. We will match you with the right supplies recommended by your doctor and ensure that you maximize your insurance benefits.
If you need help with self-catheterization, check out our guide for males or females that contain step-by-step instructions and links to helpful videos.
Catheter Types
Also known as Foley catheters, these catheters are placed inside your urethra. They are typically placed at a healthcare facility and drain through a tube in an external urinary bag. Common reasons patients need indwelling catheters include urinary incontinence, retention, physical or mental disabilities, injuries, and surgeries.
These catheters are often referred to as male catheters or condom catheters. They’re used to help manage urinary incontinence. They are often made of silicone or latex and are rolled over the penis. Sometimes they come with adhesive to help the catheters stay in place. They drain urine through a tube into an external urinary bag.
These are disposable catheters that are designed for home or self-catheterization. They are a compact and discreet way to empty the bladder for patients can’t empty their bladders. Intermittent catheters consist of thin flexible tubes that you insert into your urethra to empty the bladder directly into the toilet or receptacle.
Catheter Supplies
Catheter Insertion Kit
Insertion kits help reduce the risk for urinary tract infections (UTI) to make insertion safer as well as more convenient.
Urinary Drainage Bag
External and indwelling catheters require a bag to collect your urine. There are two types, the leg bag and the large bag. Consider using both depending on the time of day and activities you’ll be using them for.
Leg Bag
Urinary leg bags are incredibly useful during the day and while you’re out. They are the smaller more discreet option because they can easily be attached to your leg with straps. They can fit under pants or dresses.
Large Drainage Bags
There are a variety of large bags such as night drainage bags, bedside bags, and wheelchair bags that are larger to collect more urine. They allow you to sleep or participate in longer events without risk of overfilling the bag.