
Is Bowel Leakage a Sign of Rectal or Colon Cancer?

Person holding their stomach as if they're in pain.

Explore the comprehensive guide to understanding colon cancer, rectal cancer, and bowel incontinence – from causes and symptoms to preventive strategies and available treatments. Empower yourself with knowledge to prioritize your colorectal health and take proactive steps towards a healthier future.

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Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Cause Bladder Problems?

Lady holding her hand.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that may cause bladder control issues, known as incontinence. Learn about the connection and find treatment with tips from our Medical Advisor, Aleece Fosnight.

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The Best Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women

Graphic of pelvic floor exercises for women

Did you know that you can blend pelvic floor exercises, or kegels, into other exercises that you may already have in your exercise routine? It’s true! There are many exercises that can incorporate the pelvic floor. Because the pelvic floor muscles are similar to your abdominal muscles, you can even exercise them every day. 

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13 Tips to Train Your Bladder to Empty Completely

a bathroom

Feel like you don't spend enough time using the restroom? Use these 13 tips when going to make sure your bladder is completely empty. Doing so will help you avoid problems like UTIs, damaged bladder muscles, and even kidney failure. 

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Does Syphilis Cause Urinary Problems?

Man sitting with a doctor reviewing information.

Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), is on the rise. Common symptoms include sores, rash, and a lesser-known side effect: Urinary problems.

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Diabetes & Urinary Incontinence: Understanding the Connection & 9 Treatments

Caregiver checking an elderly patients vitals

From waking up at night to pee to leaking urine when you laugh, urinary incontinence caused by diabetes can sometimes feel challenging to manage... or even understand. Learn about these prevalent conditions and their connection.

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How Can You Keep Your Bladder Healthy? 10 Ways to Prioritize Bladder Self-Care

Your bladder keeps your body functioning and filters out toxins and waste, but there are many things you might not know about it!

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In Support of Incontinence On Social Media: Ending Stigma Online

person on social media

Social media platforms have been turned into places of connection and support for many conditions, but sometimes, incontinence topics are flagged as inappropriate, leaving those searching for help with feelings of shame. Read Jesse’s first-hand experience navigating his condition online.

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The Best Way to Urinate: 10 Expert Tips for Females

women standing together

Did you know there are right and wrong ways to urinate? Yes, that's right, ladies: You may be urinating incorrectly! This post will help sort through all the information out there on how to void correctly and give you the real facts so you can keep your urinary system healthy. 

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Pelvic Floor Therapy: What It Is, When You Need It, & What to Expect

woman on exercise ball

Learn how the pelvic floor muscles could affect your bladder and what to expect at a pelvic floor physical therapy appointment.

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